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Want to try Erase the Weight's juice cleanse, but still have some unanswered questions? Take a look at some of our top concerns from our customers below. If your concern isn't listed below, feel free to contact us by clicking the button below, and we will be sure to get back with you as soon as possible!

Multi Flavor Healthy Juice


Cleansing FYI:

Are you not feeling so good?  Experiencing decrease in energy, mood swings, among all other things?  These side effects are totally normal.  The juice cleanses are getting the job done.  Your body is working hard to release those toxins inside.  Don’t panic, keep in mind that you are consuming a large portion of fruit and vegetables (your body may not be used to); these effects will pass as days progress.  Water will help flush out those toxins and have you back on track in no time!!


FOOD is not allowed while cleansing, but there is an exception for beginners.  You may have only 1 handful of nuts of your choice or 1 serving of berries (blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries).  Only do what you can handle.  Listen to your body.  If your body is not responding well to the cleanses, please add the food suggestions mentioned to balance out your detox juices.  It is okay you will get STRONGER!!

Exercising while ERASING THE WEIGHT:

Yes, exercising is highly recommended! We do not recommend rigorous exercising (strength training/heavy weightlifting) while cleansing because it is too much on the body.

Take it Slow after ERASING THE WEIGHT:

As much as you want to dig into your favorite foods the first day back on solids, remember that you have been cleansing.  You DO NOT want to overload your organs and body during this transition.  Don’t rush it, that food is not going anywhere!  The first couple of days start off eating your favorite fruits and vegetables. You worked hard to cleanse your body so do yourself a favor and take it slow.  

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